Week in POAP
Notable POAP drops include EthStaker’s commemoration of the Goerli testnet upgrade to Dencun, a treasure hunt at Rusutsu Resort in Japan, and 1inch’s “DEXing in the Alps” party in Davos.
- As POAP artist attribution continues rolling out, you can now view collections of POAPs grouped by the artist that designed them (finding an artist's collection is as easy as tapping the artist name attributed to that POAP). Check out these collections from shfryn.eth, brinkman.eth, popwonder.eth, hausofhans.eth, aexek.eth, liszy.eth, nofuntokenart.eth, and electropillow.eth as examples:
- The NFT Gallery Widget app added POAP support; you can use it to display your favorite POAPs on your phone, or have it cycle through your entire collection.
- WebHash, the no-code dWebsite builder for ENS, announced an upcoming feature to easily showcase POAP collections on dWebsites.
- Leading up to NFT Paris in February, Bright Moments Gallery is dropping POAPs at NFT Factory Paris. Each POAP collected provides an opportunity to mint a CryptoParisian NFT; read more details on these drops from POAP Studio, including how Bright Moments is using the POAP Studio Passport.
- EthStaker dropped a POAP to commemorate the Goerli testnet upgrade to Dencun, and did so via a magical new POAP distribution method 👀
- POAPs continue dropping at the Rusutsu Resort in Japan as part of a POAP treasure hunt.
- A POAP for attending Cosieland, a Web3 pajama party in Singapore.
- 1inch dropped a POAP at their "DEXing in the Alps" party in Davos.
- Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles dropped a POAP during a discussion on NFT contracts.
- POAPs were sold to celebrate Ethereum's resilience and raise money for solo stakers.
- POAPs at meetups in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Shanghai, Taipei, Nairobi, Kansas City, London, Munich, Paris, Thessaloniki, Athens, Honduras, Tijuana, Monterrey, and Costa Rica: