Week in POAP
Highlights from Consensus 2024, NFC Summit in Lisbon, and cool POAPs dropped by communities worldwide, including Doodles, RFK Jr.'s presidential campaign, and EthPrague, EthDublin, and EthBelgrade.
Last week saw two major conference events with a big POAP presence; Consensus 2024 in Austin and NFC Summit in Lisbon.
At Consensus, there were many POAPs dropped throughout the week, including from Doodles, the RFK Jr presidential campaign, the ALLSHIPS community, and from Ampera where one lucky POAP collector won a car via a POAP Fun giveaway:
On the other side of the pond in Lisbon, Sandbox, CryptoPunks, Ubisoft, and Doodles were among those dropping POAPs. There was also a POAP at a documentary film premiere from Bright Moments Gallery, and one designed by the artist Trevor Jones:
The POAP scavenger hunt at NFC Summit was also a big success (more details from POAP Studio). In total, 30+ POAPs were dropped during the event; the top collector at the conference was no surprise.
- The POAP Collection from Consensus 2024 in Austin.
- The POAP Collection from NFC Summit in Lisbon.
- Decentral Games created a POAP Collection.
- The Madison Blockchain community created a POAP Collection.
- A POAP Collection of Punks Brunch events.
- A POAP Collection of ETHGlobal hackers and finalists.
- A POAP Collection for the city of Los Angeles.
- Power of Women x World of Women dropped a POAP at a fashion launch party in London:
- ETHDublin attendees got a POAP.
- During ETHPrague, POAPs at Farconnect Prague, at the Web3Privacy Summit, at the ProtoLayers conference, and at a VIP rooftop party.
- The Bored Ape Yacht Club POAP for attending Bored Meeting No. 4.
- Patricio's June POAP:
- Telos is dropping a POAP at ETH Belgrade.
- Scaffold-ETH and the Ethereum.org team are also dropping POAPs at ETH Belgrade.
- Verse dropped a POAP at Rome Blockchain Week that will be redeemable for a hoverboard in the metaverse.
- A POAP for attending the Staking & Restaking conference in Madrid.
- A POAP for attending Consumer Chain Day in Buenos Aires.
- Farcaster communities in New York and Tokyo dropped POAPs: